Helpful Websites


  1. There are two websites that I've found to be exceptionally helpful. The first one is "ukulele tricks" at this site. Brett McQueen runs it, and he is an excellent ukulele teacher. We use some of his stuff and will do more of that. I urge you to check it out.

  2. And I probably don't need to say this - yet it seems that sort of thing has never stopped me from saying it - but clicking on "this site" in my preceding Comment should bring you to the Ukulele Tricks site. Or so I hope.

  3. Well, maybe you don't go straight to the Ukulele Tricks website, as I had intended. Stay tuned. I'll get this, but I can always use some help too if you know how this link stuff can be done smoothly. :)

  4. The second website I've found to be very helpful is "ukulele hunt" at this site. It's run by Alastair Wood who wrote "Ukulele for Dummies".

  5. Ha! The "this site" in my preceding Comment worked - you can go directly to it! Practice makes perfect!

  6. In light of all the help the folks at Buckdancer's Choice on St. John Street have been to me and others who have purchased their ukuleles there, I would be very remiss if failed to note that you can visit Buckdancer's at this site. 'Twas Phineas Martin of Buckdancer's who came up with my nom de plume "Ukule'Lee". Prices are about the same as at on-line sites such as; but by buying local, I know I not only support a local business but also can head on over to Buckdancer's and get whatever I need, whether it's advice on ukuleles or the purchase of yet another one.


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